“Even dust, when piled up, can become a mountain.
So if happiness keeps building up,
won’t it turn into great joy?”
#名言 #元気が出る #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #cheerup #mental #followme
“To those who gave their best today and to those who couldn’t—no matter what, thank you for your hard work!”
#名言 #元気が出る #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #mental #followme
"I had some insanely delicious ramen, so as long as I don't stub my pinky toe on the corner of the dresser, today will be a great day."
#名言 #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #cheerup #followme
Life, you know,
There are days
when everything goes wrong,
but there are also
days when everything
is absolutely fantastic.
#名言 #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #canbehappy #cheerup #mental #followme
Life can be tough, and there will be times when you feel down, but there are always good things too, so don't worry.
#名言 #幸せになりたい #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #canbehappy #mental #followme
Your life,
what will you use it for?
My life,
I'll use it to the fullest
to make everyone smile.
#名言 #元気が出る #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #canbehappy #cheerup #mental #followme
There are definitely people and places that need you. Shine there, and that will be wonderful.
#名言 #幸せになりたい #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #canbehappy #cheerup #mental #followme
If you want to do something, just do it.
If you don’t want to do something, then don’t.
It’s as simple as that.
#名言 #幸せになりたい #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #canbehappy #cheerup #mental #followme
Instead of spending every day
thinking about painful and difficult things,
it’s better to spend every day
counting the joyful moments.
#名言 #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #followme
All of life is made up of what you believe.
Instead of thinking you’re no good,
if you believe you’re amazing,
you’ll gain confidence.
#名言 #Nissy #明日の元気をアナタに #心に響く言葉 #前向き #心に刺さる言葉
#quotes #cheerup #mental #followme